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Boys & Girls Club Henderson Unit

Star Metal Building Systems And Roofing Are Cornerstone Of Multi-Purpose Facility

Measuring 18,861 square feet, the Boys & Girls Club Henderson Unit facility has enough room for gymnasiums, game rooms, classrooms and computer rooms. Located in Springfield, MO, the building utilized Star Building Systems’ StarShield Roof System, while structural systems included SMS, SRLO and SSB.

The structure took a year and four months to complete, with a completion date of October 2007.

This structure utilized a combination of brick, stone, glass and Star panels on the exterior to blend in with the surrounding area. The Boys and Girls Club is located in a city park that is more than 60 years old with homes adjoining.

Using multiple buildings, all with different eave heights, made erection of this building difficult. Tying structural steel into the metal building system at the entrance also made for some complications during erection.

The Star Authorized Builder is Morelock-Ross Builders in Springfield, MO. The Steel Erector was Burk Erectors and the Architect was Slone Architects, both located in Springfield, MO.

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