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Redding School Of The Arts

LEED Platinum School Wrapped In Metal Roof And Wall Panels From Metal Sales To Achieve Net-Zero

Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation provided more than 67,000 total square feet of metal wall and roof panels for the Redding School of the Arts in Redding, CA, giving the facility a smart and modern look worthy of its high-profile, high performance mission.

Redding School of the Arts is a public charter school for grades K-8. It is the first new school campus in the world to receive Platinum certification under the LEED for Schools 2009 standards and is expected to achieve Net-Zero. Additionally, the school is designed to achieve the Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) certification, a national movement to improve student performance and enhance the education experience by building the best possible schools.

The design of Redding School of the Arts was based on two essential ideas: First, the learning environment should create opportunities to show students, teachers and parents the importance of sustainability. Second, students should be inspired to learn in creative, colorful and fun surroundings. To help achieve these two ambitious functional and aesthetic goals, the design team turned to Metal Sales.

“We were looking for metal panels with recycled content, durability and an energy-friendly SRI (Solar Reflective Index) value,” said James Theimer, Principle of Trilogy Architecture who served as architect for the project. “Redding School of the Arts has been designed to last for 100 years. With Metal Sales wall and roof panels, I think we found a product that would live up to that challenge.”

All of the Metal Sales panel colors used on the school are listed with ENERGY STAR®, improving energy-efficiency and reducing the amount of energy needed for cooling. The panels also have a long life span that will endure the wide temperature variations of the Sacramento Valley, are 100% recyclable, and contain a high percentage of recycled material – contributing to LEED points.

The roof of the Redding School of the Arts is protected by 520 squares of Magna-Loc pencil rib standing seam roof panels from Metal Sales, much of which has rigid PV (photovoltaic) solar panels attached to the panel ribs. An additional 12 squares of Magna-Loc flat pan panels are utilized on a nearby utility building and act as an ideal roof surface for the application of PV laminate film solar panels. The exterior walls of the building are clad in 138 squares of Metal Sales IC72-Panel. Finally, perforated TL-17 soffit panels are installed in the hallways of the school, acting as a perforated pin board to display student artwork.

Metal Sales roof and wall panels optimize energy efficiency, minimize construction waste, and provide the most sensible platform for renewable energy technology and rainwater harvesting systems. Metal panels reflect a significant amount of solar heat energy, improving a building’s energy-efficiency by reducing the amount of energy needed for cooling. They are 100% recyclable and contain up to 30% recycled material. These factors contribute to the sustainability of utilizing metal wall or roof panels, like those chosen by the Redding School of the Arts.

Metal Sales boasts a 50-year heritage of outstanding customer service. The company’s highly-trained professionals offer comprehensive, user-friendly product information and work with project managers, estimators, installers and engineers until each product application is successfully completed.

“We have partnered with Metal Sales on numerous projects in the past,” said Matt Ludlow, Project Manager with Kodiak Roofing & Waterproofing Company who served as installer. “Once again, everyone at Metal Sales has gone above and beyond to provide excellent customer service and technical support. And because they have many locations throughout the country, we benefitted from LEED regional points and reduced lead times.”

Metal Sales has 21 locations throughout the United States. The close proximity to Redding School of the Arts contributed to LEED points, exceptional customer service and support, accelerated lead times and responsive manufacturing and delivery capabilities. Redding School of the Arts is a prime example of the advantages that Metal Sales delivers to its customers by having multiple locations and a national presence.

Redding School of the Arts was completed in August 2011. The project team included: architect Trilogy Architects, Redding, CA; owner The McConnell Foundation, Redding, CA; and metal panel installer Kodiak Roofing & Waterproofing Co., Lincoln, CA.

Photos courtesy of Steve Whittaker

About Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation

Metal_Sales_logoMetal Sales Manufacturing Corporation is a premier nationwide provider of metal panels for the commercial, agricultural and residential construction industries. Metal Sales inspires construction professionals and building owners with design solutions that offer a longer life cycle, lower maintenance and higher resale value than traditional building materials. With one of the industry's largest and most knowledgeable sales and technical support team, Metal Sales has the expertise to address today's challenges in high-performance, sustainable and Net-Zero building. Metal Sales has outreach around the world, delivering outstanding roof, wall and fascia metal panels from its 21 facilities throughout the U.S. For more information, visit

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