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Hamilton City School District Operations Facility

Ohio Project Features Metal Products From Star Building Systems

The Hamilton City School District Operations Facility prominently features products from Star Building Systems. Located in Hamilton, Ohio, the project consists of a main gabled building which supports an at-eave lean-to on one sidewall and a below-eave lean-to on the opposite wall.

The gabled building and one lean-to house the maintenance shop/storage area. The office portion, located in the opposite lean-to, is separated by 7’-4” high masonry block and PBR 24-gauge Snow White wall panels. The entry way attaches to the sidewall of the office building, creating a valley condition on the office roof plane.

A second-level mezzanine for light-duty storage in one area of the maintenance building was designed by Star with bar joists provided by New Millennium. Clear span frames provide useful open space and several 12 x 14 overhead doors provide easy access for large vehicles.

Utilized on the roof were Double-Lok panels in 24-gauge Harbor Blue. Snow White PBR panels in 24-gauge were used on the walls and as soffit panels at the entry. The perimeter of the entry and the office are open to 7’-4” for masonry block. OptiLiner BLS R30 insulation was installed in the roof and VRR was installed in the walls, provided by Therm-All.

The architect was MSP Architects, Cincinnati, Ohio. Star Builder Conger Construction Group was the general contractor. The erector was RF Erectors.

About Star Building Systems

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