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Ohio River Home And Hangar

Functionality Meets Elegance With Schweiss Doors

Near Ohio’s southern border, Brad and Jenny (last name withheld per request) are proud owners of two exceptional buildings: a five-sided hangar and a newly constructed home which both feature doors from Schweiss Doors.

The hydraulic door seamlessly integrates with the extraordinary home, bringing functional elegance to a residential garage door.

“Schweiss engineers great doors and I think our doors are going to last a lifetime.”

About Schweiss Doors

Schweiss-logoSchweiss Doors is the premier manufacturer of hydraulic and bifold liftstrap doors. Doors are custom made to any size for any type of new or existing building for architects and builders determined to do amazing things with their buildings, including the doors. Schweiss also offers a cable to liftstrap conversion package. To learn more, visit or

And to learn about Schweiss' new Build Your Own Door Kit, which gives customers the plans and essential components to build their own Schweiss Doors, visit

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