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Sharp Trucking

Insulated Metal Panels Are Just The Ticket For Trucking Company's New Digs

A building owner, hoping to construct a new office with a particular look and energy efficiency in mind, ended up pleased with insulated metal panels from Metl-Span.

Sharp Trucking of Wellsville, Utah, had employees in two separate buildings, buildings the company had simply outgrown. The new office is a two-story, 3,000 square foot building, covered by two different IMPs from Metl-Span.

“They were in a very old building and were really crammed in there,” says Jason Lundahl, project manager for Lundahl Building of Logan, Utah. “They actually consolidated another office into the new one and the owner is very, very happy with everything.”

Lundahl says the owner was sold on the strong and sleek look of metal and open to a few ideas. “We suggested the insulated metal panels,” he says. “We were looking for a project calling for the installation of horizontal panels. We had recently sent our guys to be trained on the installation of horizontal panels. Sharp Trucking liked the idea and the eventual look. They were also pleased with the idea of using an insulated metal panel to help with the building’s energy efficiency. They know there will be a quicker return on the investment from the savings in heating and cooling costs.”

Most of the horizontal wall panels installed on the outside face were Metl-Span’s CF36 in Silver Metallic. Metl-Span’s CF24 panels in Dark Gray Metallic were installed horizontally in line with the window system on both floors. Both panels are three-inch thick urethane with a 22-gauge architectural flat surface on the outside and 26-gauge Light Mesa finish in Igloo White SG on the inside.

“We push insulated metal panels all the time versus a single skin panel and soft insulation,” Lundahl says. “We’ve installed IMPs on numerous plants and other projects. The energy efficiency and the clean look on the inside, with no visible insulation, are always selling points.”

About Metl-Span

Metl-Span-logoMetl-Span, a Nucor company, manufactures insulated metal wall and roof systems for projects ranging from architectural to cold-storage. To learn more, visit

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