
New Albany Fire Station

Metal Sales Mfg. Corp.

The New Albany Fire Station in New Albany, Indiana, features Ash Grey Magna-Loc roofing by Metal Sales Manufacturing Corp.

The 16"-wide striated panels were formed from 24-gauge steel with a Kynar finish. The panels have a 45-year paint system and feature a concealed-clip, standing seam design. The Magna-Loc panels have passed testing for fire, uplift, impact, and wind resistance.

About Metal Sales Manufacturing Corporation

Metal_Sales_logoMetal Sales Manufacturing Corporation is a premier nationwide provider of metal panels for the commercial, agricultural and residential construction industries. Metal Sales inspires construction professionals and building owners with design solutions that offer a longer life cycle, lower maintenance and higher resale value than traditional building materials. With one of the industry's largest and most knowledgeable sales and technical support team, Metal Sales has the expertise to address today's challenges in high-performance, sustainable and Net-Zero building. Metal Sales has outreach around the world, delivering outstanding roof, wall and fascia metal panels from its 21 facilities throughout the U.S. For more information, visit

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