
CubeSmart Storage - Houston


GreenSpace Holdings LLC is focused on constructing “cost-reducing self-storage solutions with an emphasis on environmental conservatism.” The company’s most recent project is a 181,000 square-foot facility in Houston and it will be a part of the CubeSmart franchise.

TMS Contractors LLC of Houston handled the design and construction of the project, incorporating reclaimed shipping containers encased in an attractive exterior – insulated metal panels from Metl-Span.

David Cannaliato, vice president at TMS, says the palette of colors offered by Metl-Span’s insulated metal panel products helped his design team achieve the look it sought.

“The bright reds and whites are in line with the CubeSmart brand,” Cannaliato says. “It’s kind of a scattered checkerboard look, very attractive and distinct.”

All of the insulated metal panels featured a 3-inch urethane core to help with climate control, especially during the hot Texas summers. All panels were 32 inches long, installed horizontally. The 26-gauge interior panels are the Light Mesa finish, all in Igloo White, while the 22-gauge exterior panel is architectural flat in a variety of colors: Polar White (37 panels), Bright Red LG (43 panels) and Regal Gray (72 panels). These CubeSmart “brand” colors were used in highly visible areas. In less-visible spots, Zinc Gray (72 panels) with a 26-gauge exterior panel was the color of panels installed in the interest of cost-effectiveness.

GreenSpace estimates using shipping containers in the construction of self-storage units results in a cost savings of $20 to $30 per gross square foot in multi-story self-storage facilities, while shortening construction schedules.

“Conventional self-storage construction normally takes 12 or 13 months,” Cannaliato says. “Using reclaimed shipping containers can potentially reduce construction time by several months.”

TMS erected framing to the exterior of the shipping containers to attach the insulated metal panels. Cannaliato says TMS designers worked closely with Metl-Span engineers to make sure the framing would allow for the installation of the insulated metal panels according to Metl-Span’s recommended details. “They were very helpful in this collaborative effort,” he says. “It all went up just the way it was supposed to.”

The end result is an attractive and efficient facility. The only way the shipping containers are visible is when a rolling door is opened. Even walking through the offices or hallways, the shipping containers cannot be detected.

The facility, with approximately 1,400 self-storage units, opened in November 2018.

About Metl-Span

Metl-Span-logoMetl-Span, a Nucor company, manufactures insulated metal wall and roof systems for projects ranging from architectural to cold-storage. To learn more, visit

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