
Posted: Aug 18, 2015

METALCON 2015 By The Numbers

By Shawn Zuver

As we draw closer to the 25th anniversary of METALCON at the Tampa Convention Center, October 14-16, 2015, I've been reflecting on how the annual trade show and conferences have changed since that first year in Washington, DC. If you've been to previous METALCONs, you don't need me to tell you why it's worth the trip. If you haven't been there, I'd strongly encourage you to check it out. There are lots of great things planned for this silver anniversary.

Posted: Aug 11, 2015

The Right Team Holds Your Standing Seam Roof System Together - Part 1

By Ken Buchinger

Since metal roofs are being used in increasingly more complicated designs, the roof panels and related accessories that attach the roof to the substructure are a part of the total roof system. The added roof curbs, pipe penetrations, crickets, snow retention devices and lightning protection equipment all become part of the standing seam roof system. And it really matters how each of these items attach to the roof.

Posted: Aug 04, 2015

Groups Looking At Ways To Measure Chemical Footprints

By Scott Kriner

How Many Footprints Do You Have? As sustainability issues became more prevalent in the building construction industry we were introduced to the concept of determining a Carbon Footprint of a building. This was related to the amount of CO2 being emitted into the atmosphere as a result of the energy used to build a structure and for the operation of that structure. Buildings were analyzed for their overall Environmental Footprint, using various impact categories. Later we learned about how buildings can have a Water Footprint, and even a Waste Footprint for buildings.

Posted: Jul 28, 2015

Protecting Your Assets From Jobsite Theft

By Jonathan Rider

If you have been in “the business” long enough, something on your jobsite has grown legs and walked off. It's not the change orders or charge backs that can ultimately cost us, it is theft from our jobsites. In all reality, security at your jobsite is probably something left to be desired; usually deadlines and safety take our attention. From tools to building supplies, sometimes the things we need to make a living disappear.

Posted: Jul 21, 2015

Transparency In Building Products - Part 2

By Bob Zabcik

A huge buzzword in the building products industry these days is transparency. The green building movement, which has previously focused on high-performing buildings with a strong emphasis on energy efficiency and fossil fuel use reduction, has increasingly put its cross hairs on occupant exposure risk in the last few years. Hhow this new emphasis is being implemented is really fueling the fire for new arguments.

Posted: Jul 14, 2015

Enhance Looks And Performance: Retrofitting With Insulated Metal Panels

By Brad Kirkland

Retrofitting an existing building by adding a new exterior surface can breathe new life into an aging structure. Not only does it provide an entirely new look, but retrofitting can also increase a building's energy efficiency, saving operational costs for the remainder of the building's life cycle. Insulated metal panels (IMPs) are an excellent option for exterior retrofit projects. Their versatility, performance, and easy installation make them an ideal choice for buildings of all types, sizes, and sectors.

Posted: Jul 07, 2015

Roofs Are Cool..Why Not Walls?

By Scott Kriner

A new three-year Research and Development project on Cool Walls has begun in California. The purpose of the project is to evaluate the energy-saving and environmental benefits of solar reflective walls, and to assess and advance available and emerging cool wall technologies. This will include cool paints, cool claddings, self-cleaning surfaces, fluorescent cool pigments and other novel solar reflecting technologies. Another important purpose of the project will be to develop an infrastructure to eventually promote cool walls and certify their performance.

Posted: Jun 23, 2015

The Importance Of Consensus In Building Standards - Part 1

By Bob Zabcik

Most people understand the purpose of a building code: To ensure the safety of the occupants and to establish the minimum accepted performance level of the building and its systems. Fewer people understand that because building codes are adopted into law by a governing body, technically referred to as an Authority Having Jurisdiction or AHJ, they are an in fact an extension of the law or ordinance that brings them into effect.

Posted: Jun 16, 2015

Benefits Of Insulated Metal Panels In Warmer Climates

By Brad Kirkland

There are so many great advantages that come with living in warm climates. Although the warm sun is a prime condition for a fun outdoor lifestyle, when it comes to all things indoors is where the trouble begins. An overbearing sun may be okay if you are laying out on a beach somewhere, but you don’t want the same conditions beaming into your building. This is why it is important to fortify your building with insulated metal panels (IMPs). It’s the best way to protect your building against intense summer rays.

Posted: Jun 09, 2015

IZA-Led Coalition Shows There's Strength In Numbers When It Comes To Affecting Public Policy

By Scott Kriner

In 2012, the metal roofing industry caught wind of a rainwater runoff evaluation that was being planned by the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) to supplement a 2011 investigation. Concerns over certain chemicals and metals in the Puget Sound were at the heart of the investigation. The intent of the project was to address chemicals and metals of concern in the rainwater runoff that were being detected in the Puget Sound.

Posted: May 19, 2015

All Metal Building And Roofing Screws Are Not Equal, Simply Stated - Part 2

By Brian Farrell

Now that you have chosen the proper length for your application as described in Part 1 of this series, you now need to determine the proper type of fastener based upon the application. Carbon steel or stainless steel, painted or non-painted, capped head or molded head, washered or non-washered. The application will provide you the proper answer to each one of these choices as long as you know the differences.

Posted: May 12, 2015

Construction Practices Of Today Help Ensure Dire Predictions of Past Earth Day Celebrations Will Never Come True

By Scott Kriner

There are many ways for metal to be used in building construction that can help to reduce the building’s impact on the environment. Sustainable building practice is designed to extend the life of the building by using recyclable materials and by lowering the use of energy and water. The move toward Net Zero energy in buildings is another example of how structures will be designed and maintained differently to achieve significant reductions in the electricity load on the building.

Posted: Apr 07, 2015

Focus On Resilience In Buildings And Beyond Gathering Momentum

By Scott Kriner

Resilience is once again in the spotlight. As the environment changes around the globe and population continues to grow, the built community and designers will be challenged to create buildings that can withstand ever-changing conditions.

Posted: Mar 24, 2015

All Metal Building And Roofing Screws Are Not Equal, Simply Stated - Part 1

By Brian Farrell

As important as knowing the differences in metal roofing products, it is more important to know the differences in the fasteners holding that roof in place. There seems to be a lack of knowledge about fasteners, not only among metal panel and metal building suppliers but also among the contracting community. It is extremely important to choose the proper fastener for the proper application so here are some things to consider.

Posted: Mar 17, 2015

Better By Design: The Case For Single-Component Wall Systems

By Brad Kirkland

As you look to construct a brand new building for your business, you browse the Internet for a few options, only to end up more confused than when you started. Choosing between brick and aluminum cladding systems isn’t such a tough decision, but there are some companies offering single component wall systems, while others tout the built-up. Which way do you go? Does it matter? Why? With a soothing breath, take a minute as you will soon discover why single component wall systems trump built-up systems and everything else will fall into place.

Posted: Mar 10, 2015

The Millennials Are Coming!

By Scott Kriner

The USGBC’s LEED program, as well as other green building rating programs around the world, have without a doubt transformed the building construction industry. What started as a way to design, construct and operate buildings to be more energy efficient and environmentally responsible has changed over the past 20 years. Today’s version of LEED looks at the impact of the project site, energy efficiencies, water conservation, environmentally responsible materials and resources, and indoor quality.

Posted: Feb 10, 2015

DOE Research Looks At Taking Solar Power To The Next Level

By Scott Kriner

Many of us attend webinars that tease us with an intriguing title. One that caught my eye recently was hosted by the Department of Energy. The title was “Highly Efficient Solar Thermochemical Reaction Systems”. It sounded like a highly technical topic that someone like Bill Nye the Science Guy would just love to hear.

Posted: Jan 27, 2015

Do You Really Need An Annual Roof Inspection? Absolutely!

By Brian Stearns

Having your roof inspected is the single most important thing you can do to ensure its overall lifespan. Annually is better than never, but if you are in a location that experiences extreme weather conditions over different periods throughout the year (like most of us), the majority of roofing contractors suggest inspecting your roof at least twice a year, in the Fall and again in the Spring or early Summer. Since Spring will be here before we know it, it’s actually a good time to start thinking about this now.

Posted: Jan 20, 2015

Coil Coated Metal’s Specialized Coatings Differentiate Your Products

By Laura Lanza

Today’s prepainted metals offer much more than just beautiful, flawless top coats. Coil coated metal’s specialized coatings differentiate your products from the competition. Specialized coatings include antimicrobial, non-skid, fingerprint resistant, reflective, anti-graffiti and anti-static coatings just to name a few. Whatever your product needs, the National Coil Coating Association and its members have the coating solution that will set you apart.

Posted: Jan 06, 2015

Health And Wellness Certification For Building Designs Are On The Horizon

By Scott Kriner

Even though there is no letter “H” or “W” in the acronym for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) the USGBC’s green building rating system is creeping into the health and wellness of the building occupants. Lowering energy consumption and reducing the environmental footprints of buildings have been the primary focus of most of the major green building rating programs, including LEED and Green Globes…until now.

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