
Posted: Jun 16, 2020

Four Steps To Proper Color Matching During Panel Installation

By Scott Moffatt

Even when the variables covered in the first four articles of this series are monitored closely, problems can still arise when metal panels are installed that result in a checkerboard appearance. In fact, such problems are more likely to occur during installation than during any other part of the process.

Posted: Jun 09, 2020

The Road To A More Sustainable Future

By Julie Geyer

Imagine a world where all commercial buildings and building products are manufactured from non-hazardous, renewable materials, and provide more than 40 years of unparalleled weathering performance. Carbon emissions are on the decline. Landfills are becoming a thing of the past. The oceans are a bright, brilliant blue and global warming is now written in the history books rather than dooming future generations.

Posted: Jun 02, 2020

Minimizing Color Variation Across Multiple Metal Profiles

By Scott Moffatt

Profiles are extruded metal components used to construct curtain walls, louvers and other decorative accents. They usually contain intricate details, including angles, edges, grooves, recessed areas and other contours that make paint coverage difficult. Since paint thicknesses vary on these components, color consistency will, too.

Posted: May 26, 2020

Roll Forming Changeovers Evolve To Tool Repositioning

By Joe Repovs

Things weren’t always simpler in so-called simpler times. Until the early 1970s, the image of tool changeovers within the roll forming industry was of an operator – or several operators – laboriously removing clumsy stands and heavy roll tooling and reloading with a different set of roll tooling.

Posted: May 19, 2020

Controlling Three Key Variables During The Coatings Application Process

By Scott Moffatt

The coatings process is inherently variable. No quality control program, no matter how stringent or demanding, can account for all the contingencies involved in the coatings process. In fact, many factors that affect color consistency are beyond the coatings manufacturer’s control.

Posted: May 05, 2020

Managing Multiple Coatings Applicators And Application Methods

By Scott Moffatt

Color-matching problems are common when multiple coating applicators are used on a project. American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) standards require that multiple applicators submitting coatings of the same color for the same part of a building measure within two Delta E units (DE) of one another on the Hunter color scale.

Posted: Apr 21, 2020

Five Rules For Proper Color-Matching At The Specification Phase

By Scott Moffatt

A new generation of coatings, incorporating natural materials such as metallics and micas, has helped contemporary architects create some truly extraordinary buildings. Unfortunately, coordinating coatings across numerous building components can present difficulties that prevent architects from achieving their intended vision.

Posted: Apr 10, 2020

Seize The Opportunity Presented By These Uncertain Times

By Rob Haddock

The greatest economic boom period in history seems to have come to an abrupt slowdown, but there are things you can do NOW to keep your business afloat and well-positioned for the future.

Posted: Jan 21, 2020

How Do Snow Guards Work? Part 2: Pipe-Style

By Brian Stearns

Last time, in part one of this two-part series, we talked about snow guards and customer expectations, specifically in reference to the installation and use of pad-style snow guards. This time let’s shift the focus to pipe-style snow guards.

Posted: Jan 07, 2020

Thermal Bowing With Insulated Metal Panels

By Paul Collyer

An important aspect of using metal in construction is understanding the concepts of expansion and contraction. As metal heats up, it expands; as it cools, it contracts. Insulated metal panels (IMPs) are unique in how they respond to temperature changes because they are composites (steel facings with an insulating foam core).

Posted: Dec 23, 2019

Exploring Metal Construction Misconceptions, Part 2

By Shawn Zuver

I addressed a few common myths concerning metal construction products in my previous column. Like all myths, sometimes they’re based on fact - or some small thread of a fact - and other times they’re simply way off-base. In this installment, I'd like to take a look at a handful of other often-heard misconceptions.

Posted: Nov 26, 2019

How Do Snow Guards Work? Part 1: Pad-Style

By Brian Stearns

How do snow guards work? Believe it or not, this is a highly debated question within the construction and snow retention industries. It’s a common misconception that snow guards are intended to break up snow and ice into little pieces, basically cut up the mass, so that it comes off in smaller pieces. It’s easy to understand how people with limited knowledge of snow retention might think this.

Posted: Nov 05, 2019

Exploring Metal Construction Misconceptions, Part 1

By Shawn Zuver

Whether it's the existence of Bigfoot, assassination conspiracy theories, or the idea that the U.S. moon landings were faked, the appetite for urban legends and myths seems to be at an all-time high. This summer there was even a planned movement (apparently conceived as comedy, which some took seriously) to storm Area 51 in Nevada with the hope of proving that the government was hiding evidence of alien encounters. I'd like to review a few common myths or misconceptions about metal construction products that have been around for decades.

Posted: Jul 23, 2019

How Metal Roofing Pays For Itself

By Harry Comfort

By next year (2020), the commercial and residential metal roofing market is expected to reach $4 billion, continuing a growth trend that began about three years ago. There are numerous reasons cited for the upward shift, according to Principia Consulting, a leading research and consulting firm focused exclusively on the building materials and construction industry. One growth driver includes the fact that building owners have begun to more fully understand and accept the life-cycle cost and long-term performance benefits of metal roof systems.

Posted: Jun 25, 2019

Understanding Metal Construction Industry Terms, Part 1 - Metal Roofing

By Shawn Zuver

The awareness of metal roofing is undoubtedly at an all-time high, yet I still hear it frequently referred to as “tin roofing". I don't find it to be an offensive reference; instead, it's a reminder of how important language is within the construction industry.

Posted: Jun 04, 2019

Metal Roof Rehabilitation: Knowing Whether To Retrofit, Recoat Or Replace

By Tom Diamond

If you are reading this article, you likely know how truly beneficial metal can be as a roof or wall covering. Aside from the strength, beauty, aesthetic and geometric design opportunities that it provides, it is 100% recyclable, comprised of a considerable percentage of recycled content, can provide a wide array of reflectivity, and by design, requires less maintenance than almost any other building enclosure material on the market today.

Posted: May 21, 2019

Metal Construction Products Provide Quality And Value That Far Outweigh Price

By Shawn Zuver

We live in a world where price is important to most people, including those of us involved in the construction industry. Through the years we’ve experienced large fluctuations in the prices that are paid for labor, fuel, land and construction products. Despite the fluctuations in price, often times going up and not as frequently trending downward, it seems to me that many people become too focused on cost while overlooking the all-important issue of quality.

Posted: Apr 23, 2019

Metal Building Systems Offer A Wide Range Of Benefits

By Shawn Zuver

Some people refer to metal building systems as pre-engineered, while others think of them as custom-engineered - because they can literally be engineered to the specific needs of any low-rise construction need. And, of course, to many people they are simply metal buildings. Whatever you call them, metal building systems offer a tremendous range of advantages that help them meet the design and functions required by a particular project.

Posted: Apr 09, 2019

Improving Efficiency Of Metal Panel Roll Forming Systems

By Jaswinder Bhatti

Those who depend on roll formers for their livelihood expect a lot from their roll forming line. They want it to do more, be more versatile and they want it faster. It’s not always easy, but that’s the goal when a customer requests or demands improvements.

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