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Posted: Jun 21, 2018

IPD Process Leads To Custom Morin Panel For Portland Ambulatory Surgery Center

Integrated Project Delivery is often hailed as a collaborative process that increases project efficiency by bringing all stakeholders together early and often, eliminating misunderstandings and redundancies. In one case, however, its benefits were even greater, leading to the development of a new metal panel profile now offered by Morin, a Kingspan Group Company.

Posted: May 31, 2018

MBMA's First Director Of Research And Engineering, Duane Ellifritt, PE, Ph.D. - A Life Of Engineering And Art

Duane Ellifritt, a renowned engineer, college professor and artist, and the first Director of Research and Engineering for the Metal Building Manufacturers Association, passed away January 22, 2018. Just a few days earlier, MBMA’s current Director of Research and Engineering, Lee Shoemaker, PE, Ph.D., was invited to the Ellifritt home in Gainesville, FL, where he interviewed Dr. Ellifritt about his life with MBMA, his teaching career and his love of art.

Posted: May 03, 2018

Snow Retention Planning For Next Winter Begins Now

Normally, at this time of year, we have already forgotten all about winter and things like snow and ice. This year, however, is a little different. Our calendars say that spring is here, but winter has been clinging to relevance with all its might. If you are a home or building owner, this is the perfect time of year for you to begin thinking about – and researching – snow retention

Posted: Apr 19, 2018

TRA Snow And Sun's Innovative Solar Awning System Installed On Retaining Wall

What do you do when you decide to put a pool where you originally planned to install a solar power system and the roof won’t work? You get TRA Snow and Sun to help you think outside the box and create an innovative concept. That’s what contractors of a Bourne, Massachusetts home did when they encountered this issue on the project being constructed in a beautiful wooded area with a steep hillside at the back of the property.

Posted: Mar 08, 2018

Schweiss Doors Helps Mobile Marketing Company Meet Lofty Expectations

Customer service is a hallmark of Showmotion, a mobile marketing company based in Denver, CO. The same can be said of Schweiss Doors, one of the world’s premier manufacturers of bifold, hydraulic and designer doors, many of which are custom designed. Schweiss recently supplied a hydraulic door for a custom trailer Showmotion was constructing for an oversees aircraft corporation. It was not only the door application that challenged Schweiss, it was the time frame. They needed the 28’ x 7’-11” hydraulic-actuated door—manufactured and installed—in just eight days!

Posted: Feb 23, 2018

Design Flexibility Behind The Success Of All Weather Insulated Panels' FL40 Profile

The sleek, modern facing on the FL40 “flat” insulated metal wall panels (IMPs) from All Weather Insulated Panels often catches the attention of architects, designers and building owners. Adding to their appeal, says Bill Lowery, president of AWIP, are design features such as porthole windows and curved walls, and just about anything else. If it's possible with an insulated metal panel, it can be done with an All-Weather panel.

Posted: Jan 25, 2018

Drones A Good Tool For Roofers, But There Are Limitations

There is a lot of fuss being made about the use of drones in all sorts of applications and roofing is no exception. However, we should keep it in perspective. Drones certainly help capturing an image of a roof so that smart software tools can be used to scale and extract measurements, but the tools for scaling and extracting measurements have been around for decades.

Posted: Dec 28, 2017

Life Cycle Analysis And Aluminum Exterior Building Components

Multiple environmental considerations must be taken into account when designing metal architectural systems, including curtain walls, panels, commercial windows, sunscreens and louvers. Fortunately, Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and its associated tools are helping architecture/engineering/construction professionals address these considerations.

Posted: Dec 20, 2017

Building Clad With Metl-Span Wall And Roof Panels Survives Category 4 Hurricane Maria

“We’re blessed.” John Williams, President at Sterling Merchandising in Bayamon, Puerto Rico, was able to utter those two words after Hurricane Maria ripped through the island in September 2017. The Sterling Merchandising facility, constructed with insulated metal panels from Metl-Span, survived the category 4 hurricane with no leaks and minimal damage.

Posted: Nov 02, 2017

Best Methods For Attaching Snow Retention Products

In the beginning, we only had rocks and logs to help keep snow and ice from avalanching off our roofs. These were crude but effective means of minimizing injury and damage from snow slides. With the advancements in adhesives and fasteners, we now have various methods of snow retention attachment.

Posted: Oct 30, 2017

For The Metal Roofing Industry To Reach Its Potential, Contractors Must Change

The Metal Roofing Association (MRA) recently released the results of its research into the use of metal in residential roofing and the changes during the past decade or so. They found that the percentage of residential properties specifying metal roofing has increased from 3% to 14% in that time. Spurred on by these results they have set an ambitious target of 20% market share by 2020.

Posted: Sep 28, 2017

Metal Coatings Take Sin City

Sparkling lights flash 24 hours a day, coaxing gamblers in for a night-cap and maybe even one more round of craps on their way back to the hotel. The metropolis shines just as bright in the late hours of the night as it does under the unforgiving Nevada sun. Visualizing the legendary Las Vegas Strip is not a difficult task, even for those who have never visited.

Posted: Sep 14, 2017

How Prepainted Metal Meets The Needs Of Fabricators

With its nearly endless color and texture possibilities, eco-friendliness and durability, prepainted metal’s popularity is on the rise when compared to other materials. With the technological demands of modern fabrication techniques, manufacturers may wonder if this new trend of greater use of prepainted metal can handle the rigorous processes of manufacturing, such as embossing and rollforming, while maintaining adherence to government regulations.

Posted: Jul 27, 2017

The Effect Of The Sustainable Building Movement On The Metal Coatings Industry

The green building movement has witnessed an overall shift in architecture in which locally sourced and responsibly manufactured building products are used. Today, the green building movement is focused on resource conservation and reducing the amount of toxic substances that are commonly found in building materials in hopes of creating healthier, more efficient building environments.

Posted: May 04, 2017

New Year, New Projects But Metal-Clad Structures Continue To Wow

Feelings of hope and excitement swept over the world as we welcomed 2017 – a new year means a new start and provides the opportunity to reflect on past experiences. We evaluate ourselves through the ups and downs, set goals for the future, reminisce about the good times and learn from the bad. It’s refreshing to have a clean slate. There are endless possibilities, and the uncertainty of what is waiting ahead sparks excitement.

Posted: Mar 02, 2017

Schweiss Doors: The Manufacturer With 1,000 Solutions

The last thing a customer wants to hear is “No.” Customers are looking for solutions. Being told something can’t be done does not instill much confidence in these so-called experts. Schweiss Doors, on the other hand, has been finding ways to say “Yes!” to customers for almost four decades. The Minnesota manufacturer of hydraulic and bifold liftstrap doors produces custom doors for hangars, commercial buildings, agricultural buildings and residential applications.

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